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1. Photography and/or Videography Services

Services will be provided and invoiced on an hourly basis. The rates are agreed between the client and photographer prior to the event. 

2. Deliverables

The images are delivered as digital files through a downloadable secure link unless otherwise agreed between the photographer and the client. Prints, USBs, canvas or other formats may be purchased separately by the client. The final images will be delivered within 5 business days after the event has been completed. The delivery of the final video product is subject to varying factors and, as such, may take up to 30 days from the completion of the shoot. Delivery times may vary on a case-by-case basis. A faster turnaround of images is available upon request at an additional cost, by agreement. The downloadable secure link will be active for 60 days. Requests for access to the link beyond 60 days will incur an additional fee of up to $300.

3. Fees

For all events, a 20% deposit must be paid upon confirmation of the booking. The deposit is not refundable if the reservation is cancelled. The client agrees that the deposit is non-transferable and non-refundable in the event of cancellation by the client. Notification of cancellation must be in writing.

A final invoice will be issued after the event and is payable within one week from the date of the invoice. The photographer holds the right to retain all images until payment is made in full. Additional charges for extra time during the event will be charged per hour.

4. Copyright

All copyright of images taken by Harry Avci Media remain with the photographer. All images, whether video, proofs, digital files, final prints or sample prints, and all rights to them remain the property of the photographer. 

The photographer grants the client the right to make an unlimited number and format of copies of the images in any medium for personal use. The client cannot sell or publish any of the images for financial gain without the photographer’s written consent.

5. Intellectual Property

Harry Avci Media retains a license to intellectual property. This includes but is not limited to use any images for promotional purposes, marketing and personal use. This includes the use of images on websites, print material, social media and promotional material. The client grants the photographer the unrestricted right to use and alter the material for commercial, promotional, marketing, competition or other purposes without compensation, and releases and will hold harmless the photographer from all claims or liability resulting from or associated with the use of the material.

6. Alterations

Unless written consent is provided, the images produced by Harry Avci Media cannot be altered, cropped, distorted or affected in any other way. Harry Avci Media will not be liable for any claims whatsoever resulting from alterations made to the material by the client. 

7. Indemnity

Harry Avci Media will not be held liable in the event of the client suffering damage or loss due to unforeseen circumstances whilst working with Harry Avci Media. 

The client agrees to indemnify, release, discharge and hold harmless the photographer, their heirs, representatives, assignees, or any persons or corporations acting under authority of the photographer from and against any liability or claims arising as a result of any work done related to this agreement. This includes but is not limited to claims related to the use of the likenesses of anyone captured in the images or any distortion, blurring or alteration that may occur or be produced in the taking, processing or reproduction of the images.

8. Cancellation by photographer

If the photographer cannot attend the event due to factors beyond their reasonable control, every effort may be made to engage a replacement photographer. If Harry Avci Media cannot source a replacement photographer, the deposit paid by the client will be refunded in full and Harry Avci Media’s liability is limited to this refund.

9. Attribution

All images used on the internet, social media, print and other forms of sharing must be credited to Harry Avci Media. Copyright logos cannot be removed.

10. Confidentiality

All communication between the client and Harry Avci Media are confidential, commercial in confidence and must not be disclosed to any third party, unless required by law.

11. Location consent

It is the client’s responsibility to obtain consent for entry to and photography at all locations and to advise the photographer of any restrictions.

The photographer will not be held responsible for any images requested but not provided resulting from late arrivals or any delays due to unforeseen circumstances.

12. Loss or damage

The photographer undertakes to use the utmost care and reliable equipment throughout the capturing, backup, processing and transportation of the images. If the images are lost, stolen or damaged for any reason, the photographer will refund all monies received and Harry Avci Media’s liability is limited to this refund.


By placing a booking with Harry Avci Media you agree to all of the above terms and conditions.

Copyright © 2024 Harry Avci Media - All Rights Reserved.

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